Private Lessons
Group Lessons
Corporate Clinics
Winter Training
V1 Video Analysis
Trackman Radar
William Smith Golf at Harborside International
William Smith teaches proven golf techniques employing a vast knowledge in biomechanics and kinesiology. This unique approach concentrates on understanding your unique physical attributes and specific athletic capabilities to create a comfortable swing that feels right and gets you results. From the correct set-up position to in-swing fundamentals, I’ll explain the game in a way that makes sense so you can get the most benefit from each of your lessons. This knowledge, paired with the cutting-edge technology of TrackmanTM and high speed V1 Video Analysis, will ensure rapid improvement to every aspect of your game. WSG’s client list ranges from touring professionals to beginners. Our programs are designed to fit you specifically to a tee regardless of your level of play.
Conveniently located downtown Chicago in Goose Island neighborhood. All lessons conducted in a private space with a luxurious sized sim bay utilizing Trackman technology.
Seeing is believing!
As part of your lessons program, WSG will provide you with access to our V1 Video Lesson System to review your progress on-line. Each lesson is video recorded at high speed and added to your personal WSG V1 account to view on our website at your convenience. William Smith will personally critique each video lesson to provide you with additional instruction and recommendations to further improve your game. You’ll see real results from every lesson and track your progress!